Mela 6.3 Update – Quantiser, Groove & Overlap Remover Modules
The Mela 6.3 update kicks off by turning the Group module into a core building block—it’s moved from Mela Lab to Collection 0, now unlocked for all users. Its versatility will become even more apparent in future updates. This release also brings three great MIDI modules: Quantiser, Groove, and Overlap Remover. Quantiser snaps MIDI notes to the host grid for tighter timing, Groove transforms a straight beat into a dynamic rhythm with accents and shuffle, and Overlap Remover cleans up the MIDI by preventing notes of the same pitch from interfering with each other, ensuring the latest note isn’t interrupted early. For the full details, check out the Changelog.
Lock MIDI Notes to the grid using Mela’s Quantiser module.
Turn a straight beat into a dynamic rhythm with accents and shuffle with Mela’s Groove module.
Learn how to use the Overlap Remover module, which prevents notes with the same MIDI channel and pitch overlapping by shortening notes. This is useful when you want to stop an earlier note’s note-off event from interrupting a synth’s playback of the most recent note-on event.
Check out the enhancements the 6.3 update introduced to the lanes, and the Group and Feedback modules.
Mela 6.3 Changelog
Group Module
- The module graduated from Mela Lab.
- It has also moved to Collection 0 from Collection 4, meaning it’s now unlocked for all users.
- Added “Group” and “Ungroup” menu items to the module’s actions menu.
- Group Action: Moves the module into a new Group module instance.
- Ungroup Action: Replaces the Group module with the modules arranged in its sublane.
Quantiser Module
- The module moves MIDI notes forward to the next grid division for tighter timing.
- Sync Parameter: Defines the quantisation grid.
- Slack Parameter: Set how far a note can stray from the nearest grid division before quantisation occurs, with no notes moved at 100%.
- Pull Parameter: Sets how strongly quantised notes are pulled toward the next grid division, fully snapping them to the grid at 100%.
- Note Shift Parameter: When enabled, quantised notes keep their original duration by delaying note-off events. When disabled, note-off events remain unchanged, and notes ending before their quantised start time are removed.
- Quantiser is part of Collection 4.
Groove Module
- The module transforms a straight beat into a dynamic rhythm with accents and a shuffle feel.
- Sync Parameter: Sets the timing grid for accents and shuffle.
- Accent Parameter: Sets the amount of accent applied to notes at odd grid positions.
- Shuffle Parameter: Sets the delay amount for notes at even grid positions, creating a swing or shuffle feel.
- Groove is a Mela Lab module and part of Collection 4.
Overlap Remover Module
- The module shortens an active note when a new note with the same MIDI channel and pitch begins, ensuring the earlier note ends first.
- It’s useful for preventing an earlier note’s note-off event from disrupting a synth’s playback of the latest note-on event.
- Log: The view displays the last 8 shortened notes.
- Overlap Remover is part of Collection 0.
- Feedback Module: Changed Level parameter’s range from [0%, 100%] to [-100%, 100%] to allow negative feedback amounts.
- Feedback Module: Added the Level parameter, which sets the amount of the feedback Audio signal merged with the signal passing through.
- Lanes: Added option to insert a new lane pre-configured with Signal Router modules.
- Lane Configurations: Empty, Audio In/Out, MIDI In/Out, Instrument, Mono Instrument, Audio In, Audio Out, MIDI In, MIDI Out.
- Fixed a memory leak caused by the popover menu triggered by the plus button at the end of each lane.
- Fixed a rare crash when moving a module from one lane to a sublane of a module in another lane.
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