
Artist & Engineer

Mela Tutorials

New to Mela? Begin with the SoundForMore Tutorials, Mela 6.x Tutorials, Introducing Mela 4 and Introducing Polyphony in Mela videos to learn the basics. While the interface evolves, the fundamentals remain the same (or at least evolve at a much slower rate). You can also explore the Getting Started guide, which is a concise overview of Mela’s fundamentals.

Getting Started

SoundForMore Tutorials

Since the release of Mela 6.0, SoundForMore created a new tutorial series starting with the basics. This is great both for the beginners as well as the experienced users as Leo covers a wide range of Mela features and modules. I created a YouTube playlist that tracks the series.

Mela 6.x Tutorials

I’ve also started a new Mela 6.x videos series, taking a more experimental approach to tutorials—they are unscripted, but hopefully just as useful and organic. My goal is to streamline the process so I can create more videos like these. They are put together in a way that’s helpful for both beginners and experienced Mela users.

In the following video, I’m using Mela 6.1 to build a multi-tap delay effect with feedback, showcasing the new Delay and Feedback modules.

In the following video, I’m using Mela 6.1 to build a multi-tap MIDI delay effect, showcasing the new MIDI Delay module and the Scale module to lock all MIDI notes to a scale.

In the following video, I’m using Mela 6.2 to explain how the Pitch signal type works in Mela. It’s a unique feature of the app that might seem confusing at first, but it’s incredibly powerful. I start with the Note-to-Pitch module, the simplest way to generate a pitch signal from MIDI, before introducing the more advanced MIDI-to-Poly module. Finally, I demonstrate how the Pitch signal type isn’t just for oscillators—it also plays a crucial role in modules like Comb Filter and Delay.

In this video, I’m using Mela 6.2 to demonstrate how the Poly signal type functions within Mela. This tutorial explores key modules essential for building polyphonic synth presets. I explain how MIDI-to-Poly generates the Poly signal and handles voice management, how Poly-to-Audio converts the Poly signal back to an Audio signal, and how Voice Activity visualises voice assignments as new MIDI notes are played. Plus, I demonstrate poly-to-poly and mono-to-poly modulation setups.

In the following video, I explain how Mela’s Group and Effect modules work.

In the following video, I demonstrate how you can use Mela’s Layer module to easily create synth layers.

As of Mela 6.4 modules and lanes are fully unified. A lane can be thought of as an instance of a Group module because that’s exactly what it is. In this video, I showcase improvements to lanes introduced in v6.4 and how they feel more integrated in Mela.

Introducing Mela 4

The user interface has evolved a lot since Mela 4.0. For example, lanes no longer have Audio/MIDI I/O. Instead, configuring inputs and outputs is done via the modules. But most concepts in this video are still relevant. It’s a great tutorial for learning about Mela’s modular design while building a virtual-analog monosynth from scratch.

Introducing Polyphony in Mela

Again, the UI may feel a bit outdated in this, but it’s a continuation of the Introducing Mela 4 video. The tutorial converts the monosynth preset into a polyphonic one while learning how polyphony functions in Mela’s modular environment.

More Tutorials

Lock MIDI Notes to the grid using Mela’s Quantiser module.

Turn a straight beat into a dynamic rhythm with accents and shuffle with Mela’s Groove module.

Learn how to use the Overlap Remover module, which prevents notes with the same MIDI channel and pitch overlapping by shortening notes. This is useful when you want to stop an earlier note’s note-off event from interrupting a synth’s playback of the most recent note-on event.

Learn how you can embed the “All Pass Phaser” preset from the factory presets, into an instance of an Effect module.

Create Riser Effects

Learn how to use a Glide module to create simple riser effects.

Adding Feedback to Our Phaser

Learn how to extend the phaser we built in a previous tutorial by using the new Feedback module to add feedback.

Ring Modulation – Part 5: Analog Bass

Learn how to turn the Ring Mod module into an oscillator using DC offset, and use it to create an analog bass with all the essential elements in Mela.

Ring Modulation – Part 4: Synth Lead

Learn how to create a simple synth lead using ring modulation in Mela.

Euclidean Rhythms – Part 3: Trance Gate

Learn how to create a trance gate effect using the Euclid module in Mela.

Euclidean Rhythms – Part 2: Euclid & Arpeggiator

Learn how to combine Euclid with other Mela modules to create unique MIDI processor chains.

Euclidean Rhythms – Part 1: Drum Sequencing

Learn how to use Mela’s Euclid module to sequence drums and create dynamic Euclidean rhythms.

Correlation Meter Explained

Discover how to use Mela’s Correlation module to detect and resolve phase issues in your audio signals.

Ring Modulation – Part 3: Drum Processing

Learn how to add digital and analog ring modulation to drum loops using the VA Oscillator and Ring Mod module.

Ring Modulation – Part 2: Analog vs Digital

Discover how to create pure ring modulation with Mela’s VA Oscillator and explore the Ring Mod module, which emulates analog circuits.

Ring Modulation – Part 1: Basics

Learn various techniques for creating ring modulation in Mela.

Create Pitched Noise

Learn how to create pitched noise using white noise and the Degrader module.

Build a Phaser from Scratch Using All Pass Module

Explore the All Pass module by learning what an all pass filter is and using it to create a 6-stage phaser.

Stereo Playground – Exploring Stereo Processor Modules

Learn how to manipulate stereo image using modules Balance, Dual Pan, Mid-Side, Phase Inverter, and Stereo Pan.

Digital Distortion Modules: Clipper, Degrader and Rectifier

Explore digital distortion modules introduced in Mela 4.6.

Use Envelope Follower Module Creatively

Learn how to use the Envelope Follower module to process transient and sustain components of any sound independently.

Create Vibrato, Flanger and Chorus Effects Using Comb Filter Module

Learn how to use the fully-featured Comb Filter module with LFOs to quickly create vibrato, flanger, and chorus effects.

MIDI Capture Module

Learn how to use the MIDI Capture module to record MIDI messages into a MIDI file and then export or drag and drop it into the host.

VPS Oscillator — Vector Phaseshaping Oscillator

Explore the VPS Oscillator module, which employs the Vector Phaseshaping synthesis algorithm, a generalisation of the classic Phase Distortion (PD) method.

DC Blocker and MIDI Channel Modules

Explore the DC Blocker and MIDI Channel modules, along with the new features introduced in Mela 4.3.

Comb Filter Module and VA Oscillator Hard Sync

Explore the Comb Filter module and VA Oscillator’s Sync parameter.

DS Oscillator, Pitch Bend, Vibrato and Pitch Ratio Modules

Explore the DS Oscillator module, which employs a distortion synthesis technique for creating a morphable waveform, along with the Pitch processor modules: Pitch Bend, Vibrato, and Pitch Ratio.

MIDI Routing

The tutorial uses Mela MIDI v3.9 but most of the MIDI routing concepts between lanes and to and from the host are still relevant.

Strummer Module

Explore the Strummer module as well as the LFO and Random modulator features.

LFO Module

Explore the early version of the LFO modulator.

Random Module

Explore the early version of the Random modulator.