Mela 6.3 Update – Quantiser, Groove & Overlap Remover Modules
The Mela 6.3 update kicks off by turning the Group module into a core building block—it’s moved from Mela Lab to Collection 0, now unlocked for all users. Its versatility will become even more apparent in future updates. This release also brings three great MIDI modules: Quantiser, Groove, and Overlap Remover. Quantiser snaps MIDI notes to the host grid for tighter timing, Groove transforms a straight beat into a dynamic rhythm with accents and shuffle, and Overlap Remover cleans up the MIDI by preventing notes of the same pitch from interfering with each other, ensuring the latest note isn’t interrupted early. For the full details, check out the Changelog.
Lock MIDI Notes to the grid using Mela’s Quantiser module.
Turn a straight beat into a dynamic rhythm with accents and shuffle with Mela’s Groove module.
Learn how to use the Overlap Remover module, which prevents notes with the same MIDI channel and pitch overlapping by shortening notes. This is useful when you want to stop an earlier note’s note-off event from interrupting a synth’s playback of the most recent note-on event.
Check out the enhancements the 6.3 update introduced to the lanes, and the Group and Feedback modules.
Why should I get Mela? What’s so special about it?
I saw a few people around the web ask this question. I thought I’d address it here. Simply put, Mela is a modular music-making tool that scales with your needs. Expanding on this, its 3 core strengths are:
- Mela is Visual and Modular. With its intuitive interface, you can seamlessly build fully custom polyphonic synthesisers, unique audio effects, and complex MIDI processors.
- Mela Scales. It can be a core part of your system or a small utility to let you perform niche tasks. Mela can run as a standalone app or multiple plug-in instances in a host, on macOS and iOS.
- Mela has Great Support. Its capabilities continuously improve, evolve and expand. A new version of Mela comes out every few weeks with new features and modules designed around user feedback.
Artist Presets & Themes
There are dedicated pages for Artist Presets and Artist Themes. If you have created Mela presets (whether paid or free) or a theme you want to share with others let me know and I’ll happily link them there.
About Me
Hi, my name is Nikolozi Meladze. I’m the creator of Mela. I’m developing it as my primary tool for music-making and live performance. I’ve been releasing music since 2010, exploring all sub-genres of electronic music. Be sure to check out my discography.